Hi all!!
I'd like to make a special shout out to all those who commented on my blog posts. I really appreciate your input and I'm glad you enjoy my writing! Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week (or rather, for the next two weeks)!
So I took into account the suggestion to do a bit more research on my inspiration! Like I've told you before, I'm basing this film off of a short story. I had the Total Recall adaptation in my previous research but recently I discovered a few more cool films that came from short stories! Looks like I'm a lot more like those witty directors than I thought!
It turns out that
Breakfast at Tiffany's and
The Birds by Alfred Hitchcock AND
Brokeback Mountain were all based off of short stories!! Can you believe it!! I'm tearing up just thinking about how great this makes me feel about my idea...sorry, just give me minute... *sniff*
My same links from up there also show that all these films did superbly in the box office, so that's another bonus!! I'm feeling super confident about my concept now; even though I'm really far in at this point I know there is always room for growth.
Now, let's talk about concepts that these films and others use that I think would be good to incorporate into my opening. Breakfast at Tiffany's focuses more on
implementing fashion and icons into their films, and I'm not so sure a party man in his mid 20s knows much about that. Oh, Jeffery, what are we gonna do with you?! My little character...not the brightest crayon in the box, you know.
The Birds is also a horror film, and as someone who is terrified of terror, I knew from the get-go I wasn't going to do a scary opening. However, there are still a few techniques that I really like! Hallelujah!! In the scene where Melanie and Mitch are in the bird shop, Hitchcock uses bright lighting in the scene to reflect the behaviors of the characters. This scene also created a contrast from the later, more intense scenes that received darker lighting. I like this idea of using lighting to create strong character development and establishing a tone for that scene in the film. I'm hoping I can find some place to include this technique, because I really like it! I'm thinking of making the lighting in Jeff's room, where he is more private and his true self, darker, and the living room very bright to show the persona of a party guy that he presents himself to be. Woohoo!! Turns out darkness really
is my old friend.
Just a quick note about Brokeback Mountain. Y'all know what that movie's about right? Superb film, not so superb techniques that I can include into my opening. You go, though, Jake Gyllenhaal! Now that is what I call committed acting. (Just a side note. Let's move on, shall we?)
So here we are, making progress every day. Ms. Stoklosa reminded us of the creative critical reflection so remind me to work on that, okay? My sort of short term memory loss doesn't help me in these type of situations.
Also, I haven't heard back yet from the company for the ringtone! I'm fairly disappointed. I will try and email them again and, if not, I guess I'll have to find a new ringtone and contact a different company. Bummer! I really did like those nursery rock-n-roll rhymes.
Nevertheless, I know we are making progress every day. I think I'm going to film this weekend and next week so I have a few days to edit and work on my reflection. Other than that, we are golden, pony boy (That's a nice book. Ah, middle school reading memories. It's called
The Outsiders. Give it a read if you like)!
Alright, I'll talk to you soon. Hopefully we keep taking a bunch of steps forward and no steps back.
With lots of love for you and pride for Jake Gyllenhaal's acting bravery in Brokeback Mountain (and Nightcrawler—have you seen that?! Sh*t's crazy),
Amalia Gonzalez
"IMDb - Brokeback Mountain." IMDb. IMDb.com. Web. 01 Apr. 2016.
"IMDb - Breakfast at Tiffany's." IMDb. IMDb.com. Web. 01 Apr. 2016.
"IMDb - The Birds." IMDb. IMDb.com. Web. 01 Apr. 2016.
"The Bird’s: Mise En Scene & Lighting By: Mandy Ashley." The Birds. 2014. Web. 01 Apr. 2016.
"Breakfast at Tiffany's: The Essentials." Turner Classic Movies. Web. 01 Apr. 2016.
"List of Short Fiction Stories Made into Feature Films." Wikipedia. Wikimedia
Foundation. Web. 01 Apr. 2016.
"The Birds." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. Web. 01 Apr. 2016.