Thursday, April 7, 2016

Google: "How to Edit My Life as Well as I Edited my Film"

Didja catch the confidence there? Yeah, I'm feeling pretty good about how my film is coming along right about now. Not to toot my own horn, but...


Things are coming along smoother than butter on toast (that was very southern of me...good God I'm transforming) !! I began editing last night and so far, so good!! The only kinks I'm having are involving sound. My voice recording the use for the phone call, although great quality, doesn't sound much like a conversation heard over the phone. That was stressing me out a little, but I asked Ms. Stoklosa and she gave me some suggestions on how to fix that, like using Garageband and manipulating the file!! Hopefully, that helps me there. I'm planning on working on that either tonight or tomorrow.

I also had some trouble when it came to my text transitions that I'm using to display my graphics. The iMovie transitions seem to have a problem with being a little...sticatto, for those of you who know music terms. By that I mean the text appears to be slightly sticky; it would glitch as I was playing the clip and I couldn't seem to find a solution!! Luckily, though, I was able to find a replacement to the text I was using and now it's working smoothly (as it should!).

As for the rest of my film, it's looking great. All the shots came together very nicely and I didn't even have to shoot over one day!!

The way we scheduled it, Fede and I were able to have everything memorized and set up by 4:00pm that day, and w were done by 6!! Isn't that incredible?? And with the way everything came out it's hard to believe we had such a small time frame.

Nevertheless, things are really coming together. I'll get back to you tomorrow on my CCR and how that's coming along, but I'm sure it'll all be peachy!!

Here's to another day of progress.

Your intrigued director with a lot of work to do,

Amalia Gonzalez

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