Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Taking an L (as in Location)

Before I start today's blog post, I'd like to make a special shout out to the pun I made in yesterday's title. Holy crap, am I good. If I don't get rich off of this film, I'll definitely make it off comedy! What a stealer!!

On that note, hello all!! It's a new day today and progress is, well, progressing. I have finally set my location for my film! My cousin is allowing me to use her apartment whenever I care for to begin filming! I think it's the perfect setting because I modeled my story board off of what I remember her apartment looking like, so we are in the clear. So, now let's refer back to that list I made yesterday and check that one off!

-Get an approved location for filming CHECK! 
-Print out my script and give it to my lead actor (who also happens to be my best friend)
-Set up a schedule for filming
-Sleep for 3 days

Ah, sleep for three days...I'm most excited for that part. But I am slightly more excited about my location and finally beginning this process. I think it's so exciting to have everything set in stone! Very very soon I will begin now that I have everything in place. According to our calender, we have exactly 13 days until April 10th, the due date of our little legacy here. That's a day over two weeks! The sweat on my brow is intensely building as I type this, but don't worry, it's out of pure...aha...excitement...not stress!! I swear!! 

So, now that we've got our location set, our script, our actor, all we have to do is apply the glue and begin pasting our pieces together. Woohoo! Finally, and I know I always say this, some visible progress. We are gonna make it out alive, kids!

Now I'm going to go and create my little filming schedule. Soon, our train will be directly on it's tracks. Cross your fingers!

With much prayer for this project and regard for the future,

Amalia Gonzalez


  1. I absolutely adore how you add so much comedy within your blog posts! Not only are you discussing valuable within your blog posts that maintain the idea of discussing your film process, but you are adding your personal thoughts through comedy. Your voice is expressed so well within your blog. If a person actually knows you, and they read your blog, they will automatically know that you are the speaker since it sounds so much like you.

  2. Amalia, for starters I LOVE your style of writing and as Diego said in the comment above your voice is so clear and entertaining to use. I love the websites you have used to write the script and story board. I am definitely going to look into the story board website and use t for my project. Keep researching and your post as they are now and you will have a very successful project. Great job! Can't wait to see your film.
